Yeşil Bina Dergisi 6. Sayı (Mart-Nisan 2011)
54 YEfi‹L B‹NA / N‹SAN 2011 SUMMARY GREEN BUILDING Toyota Plaza Onatça Toyota Plaza Onatça that is instructed by Altensis obtained Turkey’s first BRREAM Post-Costruction certificate at level of “Vey Good”. Page 46 GREEN BUILDING / Sustainable Building Technologies Magazine ISSUE: 6 • MARCH - APRIL 2011 ANALYSIS “Green and Healthy Materials” Cemil Yaman / LEED Faculty, LEED AP, BREEAM Assessor In building sector, use of environmentally-conscious, healthy and green materials will increase depending on increase of green buildings in Turkey. However, these products will be manufactured in Turkey and cotribute to local economy in a short time. Page 16 TECNIQUE Appropriate Approaches for LEED Certification Ömer Moltay, LEED AP, BREEAM Assessor The most effective way of attaining sustainable buildings is to use green building certification systems. These globally accepted sys- tems give know-how to project developers about how to achieve sustainability additionally increase the value of a new real estate project. Page 30 INTERVIEW Building Performance Modelling and Simulations Association B‹NS‹MDER (Building Performance Modelling and Simulations Association) is a non-profit organization that researchers, developers and practicers who study in the field of building performance get together. Page 28 INTERVIEW Assist. Prof. Ayflin Sev: “Green Buildings are Built for Advert at the Beginning of the Project!” The author of “Sürdürülebilir Mimarl›k” (Sustainable Architecture), Asist. Prof. Ayflin Sev finds the practices about sustainability in Tukey deficient for now, although being hopeful about the future. According to Sev, green building certificates must not be obtained only for advert. The changes must be internalized. Page 42 EVALUATION “Low-Energy Systems: High-Performance Buildings and Society” Dr. ‹brahim Çakmanus At the present day, strong effort is spent about increasing energy efficiency of builgings and systems. Because 30 percent of fossil based primary energy is used for warming, cooling and lighting systems in buildings. Page 50
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