Yeşil Bina Dergisi 5. Sayı (Ocak-Şubat 2011)
46 YEfi‹L B‹NA / fiUBAT 2011 SUMMARY GREEN BUILDING Tarsu Shopping Center Holland-centered real estate investment company which achieved a reputation by building shopping centers around Anatolia, Corio, this time changes the appearance of Tarsus with the first shopping center in the city. Page 30 GREEN BUILDING / Sustainable Building Technologies Magazine ISSUE: 5 • JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2011 GREEN COMPANY Philips Lightening Philips’ commercial building in Turkey that leads sustainable and energy productive technologies’ developments also has LEED cer- tificate… Page 10 PRODUCT Schüco Energy 3 Buildings Schüco’s leading step towards future was exhibited at BAU Expo organized in Münih in January: The buildings which save energy, win energy and circulate it in the network Page 38 PRODUCT& INTERVIEW The Subject that Form Clean Aenergy Focuses: “Sun” Form Clean Energy that became expert about solar energy makes some projects on daylight lightening and small scaled wind wheels area also. Page 40 INTERVIEW Architect Çelik Erengezgin: “Everybody tries to make Green Building; however…” Architect Çelik Erengezgin emphasises that the certification processes of Green Building is turned into commerce and addes: “The real aim must be sustainable buildings!” Page 24 INTERVIEW Marketing Manager of Bosch Household Appliances, Neylan Süer: “We can have big savings with little addings” Marketing Manager of Bosch Household Appliances Neylan Süer tells: “It’s not baseless to say we can make big savings with little addings, if we consider the 70 per cent of electricity we use at home is gone via household appliances.” Page 36
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